Imran’s hawk-Al on Sharif victory claim

Imran's hawk-Al on Sharif victory claim
Imran’s hawk-Al on Sharif victory claim

Islamabad: Jailed former Pa-kistan Prime Minister Imran Khan in an AI-generated audio-video message on Sat- urday claimed victory in the general election and termed his arch-rival Nawaz Sharif a “stupid” person.

Khan’s message was up- loaded on the official Хас- count of his Pakistan Tehreek- e-Insaf (PTI) party.

In the video, the AI-gener- ated voice of Khan congratu- lated the people on the election results and said he had trust in them.

He said he had faith that people would come out to vote. He praised his support- ers for voting in large num- bers.

“By turning out in such huge numbers and exercis ing your democratic right of franchise, you have laid the

A still from the AI-generated audio-visual message from Imran Khan

foundation for the restoration of the freedom to exercise citizens’ rights,” the AI-con- ceived voice of Khan, 71,

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said. This is not the first time Khan’s party has used AI technology to reach out to his supporters. During the cam-

paigning, they had used AI to convey Khan’s message to the people.

“Now we are winning 170 seats as per Form 45,” Khan’s Alavatar claimed on Saturday, referring to the form showing the results from individual polling stations.

He criticised Sharif for making a victory speech de- spite having 30 seats fewer than the PTI

“Nawaz Sharif is a stupid person who gave a victory speech despite his party trail- ing by 30 seats,” the ex-crick- eter and former Prime Minis- ter can be heard saying in the video.

He said no one would accept it and the interna- tional media was writing about it.

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